5 Things to Do Before Getting Lip Fillers (And 5 Things to Avoid)
If you’re reading this, the chances are that you’re probably considering getting lip fillers or lip injections.
And guess what? You’re in good company.
Lip augmentation has quickly become one of the most in-demand cosmetic procedures in the US, with over 3 million treatments performed in 2021 alone.
It's safe, quick (it’s often referred to as a “lunchtime procedure”) and relatively pain-free, and in next to no time you’ll have fuller, more radiant lips with a lot more volume.
To ensure you get the best results from the procedure however, there are certain things you should look to avoid as you lead up to your treatment, together with some “best practice” tips to follow.
We’ve picked the brains of some leading plastic surgeons and beauty professionals, and have picked out 5 key things to do before getting lip fillers – together with 5 things to avoid.
Things to do before your lip filler appointment
1) Do your research
It seems like an obvious point, but to get the best results, you need to ensure that your lips are being treated by the right people.
Lip fillers should only ever be done by a certified injector, who is highly experienced in lip injections.
So as a starting point, ask around and get some referrals from people you know who have had the procedure.
Then do some more reading up on the injector in question, including looking for any online reviews as well as any “before-and-after” photos you can find.
2) Be clear on the results you’re wanting to achieve
There are various types of lip filler products on the market, including JUVÉDERM® Volbella and Restylane Silk (to name a few).
Where they differ from one another, is in their thicknesses and levels of volume that they’ll add to your lips, so the product you’ll end up using will depend on the results you’re wanting to achieve.
So to avoid disappointment, be clear on the look you’re wanting to achieve, and then clearly convey this to your doctor or dermatologist, who will then be able to advise on the best product to use.
3) Prep your lips and get them in the best possible shape before the treatment
To help minimize any possible side effects (as well as greatly reducing swelling or bruising) you’ll want to ensure your lips are in peak condition leading up to the treatment.
This includes making sure they are healthy and well hydrated (look at using specialized lip filler cosmetics) so drink plenty of water leading up to your treatment, and make sure any cold sores are treated before-hand, as the procedure can sometimes cause a flare-up.
4) Watch what you eat and drink
For best results, you’ll want to avoid anything that can “thin out” your blood, as this can cause excessive bruising and bleeding immediately after your procedure.
So in the days leading up to your lip injections, avoid eating very salty foods, or foods with high levels of Vitamin E, like pumpkin, spinach and sunflower seeds.
You’ll also want to avoid drinking alcohol, as well as taking any painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen etc) as these are also blood thinning agents.
5) Get enough sleep and relax
Depending on whether this is the first time you’re getting lip fillers, there may be a level of anxiety or trepidation leading up to your procedure.
This is of course completely natural, but again, if you’ve followed the steps above, you’ve put yourself in the best possible position to get the results you’re wanting, so breathe and rest easy.
It’s a quick, simple procedure, your lips are being done by an experienced professional and you’ve prepped sufficiently to ensure you’ll achieve the look you’re aiming for.
Things to avoid
1) Sweating and strenuous exercise
In the 24 hours or so after your lip fillers, try and avoid any excessive exercise.
The increased physical activity - and resulting rise in body temperature - can cause an increase in blood flow to your lips, which can aggravate or increase any swelling, bruising, or discomfort.
2) “Overworking” your lips
Your lips are going to feel quite tender for that first day after your fillers, so let it recuperate and don’t “overwork it”.
By this we mean, avoid things like drinking from a straw, kissing, whistling etc.
It may also be quite tempting to constantly want to touch and massage your lips, but again, it’s best to avoid that for at least the first 24 hours.
3) Lip liner and lip products
Using a standard lip-stick or lip products can aggravate the injected areas, so it's advisable to have a good set of specialized lip filler aftercare cosmetics on hand.
This can aid in both speeding up the recovery process, as well as helping to minimize the appearance of bruising and swelling immediately after your lip injections.
4) Laser treatments
If you’re planning a laser treatment, it’s best to postpone it for at least + - 2 weeks after your lip injections.
The reason being is that the lasers can generate a large amount of heat, and this can sometimes cause the lip fillers to break down and dissolve more quickly than it usually does.
5) Flying to Australia
No, we have nothing against Australia.
What we are saying though is to avoid long distance flights until after you’ve fully recovered.
Long plane rides (3 hours+) can often make the symptoms of getting lip fillers worse due to the dry environment and cabin pressure.
(Not to mention the fact that should anything go wrong, you’ll be far away from your dermatologist or doctor).